What to Expect

At White Oak Community Church you will discover a warm group of real and raw people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From the moment you walk in you can expect…

A Casual Atmosphere

The guy preaching isn't wearing a suit (we're lucky he's wearing shoes)...why should you?  Jeans and t-shirts welcome.  

Hot Coffee

Because let's face facts...you probably just woke up five minutes ago...

Worship Centered on Christ (not on the music)

We are currently meeting as a house church, but we do meet from time to time for a worship gathering.  Our gathering is not a traditional worship gathering.  We present what most folks in church circles call a contemporary style of worship.  We do our best to maintain a focus on drawing attention to Jesus and not to the music itself.  


The Bible tells us to speak the truth in love. The Bible is God’s truth. At White Oak Community Church we believe that the truth of God's word is what it is.  It says what it says.  We don't compromise that, nor do we apologize for it.  Period.